Cee Lo Green: Single, net worth, tattoos, smoking & body facts
Cee Lo Green Facts & Wiki
Where does Cee Lo Green live? And how much money does Cee Lo Green earn?
Birth Date | 30-05-1974 |
Heritage/origin | American |
Ethnicity | Afro-American |
Religion – believes in God? | Christian |
Residence | He lives in an unknown fashion in Los Angeles, California. |
Cee Lo Green Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses
As an American singer-songwriter, rapper, record producer, and actor, Cee Lo Green has a net worth of $22 million.
Estimated Net Worth | 22 million Dollar |
Yearly Salary | N/A |
Product Endorsements | Greenhouse Foundation |
Colleagues | Big Gipp, Khujo & T-Mo |
Management | Larry Mestel |
Cee Lo Green is renting a $3.195 million house in Los Angeles for $10,000 per month.
Fayetteville, GA house
Los Angeles, CA house
(Swimming Pool • Jacuzzi • Bar • )
Cee Lo Green has a customized Rolls-Royce. The car is known as luxurious ride with ample leg room, smooth ride, and very upper-crust pedigree.
Rolls-Royce – manufactured by
Rolls-Royce ($300 thousands)
Cee Lo Green: Single, Dating, Family & Friends
Cee Lo Green got married with Christina Johnson in 2000. The couple were blessed with a son Kingston. However, they have divorced in 2005. Currently, he is single.
Who is Cee Lo Green dating in 2023?
Relationship status | Married |
Sexuality | Straight |
Partner | Currently in no confirmed relationship |
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wives | Christina Johnson |
More info | Was previously married and divorced |
Has any kids? | Yes, father of: Kingston Johnson (18) |
Shall the American actor & musician Cee Lo Green find love in 2023?
Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:
Shedonna Alexander (Sister)
Kingston Johnson (Son)
Sheila J. Tyler-Callaway (Mother)
Danger Mouse
Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos, Skin, Hair & Eye Color
This cool actor & musician originating from Atlanta, Georgia has a hefty body & round face type.Hair color | Bald |
Hairstyle | classic |
Beard or Mustache | Circle Beard |
Eye Color | Dark Brown |
Height | 169 cm | Weight | 118 kilo |
Feet size | N/A |
Does Cee Lo Green smoke? | No, never |
Does Cee Lo Green have a tattoo? | No |
Fitness, workout and diet | In 2011, it is reported that Cee Lo Green would like to be vegetarian in order to be healthier. |
Left lower arm Left upper arm Right lower arm Right upper arm tattoo
Official websites/fansites: http://ceelogreen.com
Does Cee Lo Green have official Social Media profiles?